About the event
This event is part of a series of presentations of results obtained in the ICAT (Initiative for Climate Action Transparency) project for the public in Latin America. The ICAT experience in Argentina of the forestry component, which aims to increase transparency in reporting and projections of short and long term GHG emissions from the forestry sector in Argentina, will be presented. The project is carried out by the Secretariat of Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Innovation of Argentina and the Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA) of Italy.
Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry sector reporting requirements. Riccardo De Lauretis/Guido Pellis, Italian Inventory Agency - ISPRA
Lessons learned Forestry component - ICAT Argentina. Sebastián Galbusera, National Consultant
Thematic Axis 2 Event - Organized by: