People transforming the development


Long Term Decarbonization Strategies (LTS) and their role in climate ambition and post-COVID recovery.

24 September, 2020
09:00 am


About the event

The transition to zero net emissions presents economic opportunities. Latin America and the Caribbean could save USD 621 billion annually if the energy and transport sectors achieve emissions neutrality by 2050. According to an IDB and ILO study, moving towards carbon neutrality in the region could generate 15 million jobs by 2030 in sectors such as sustainable agriculture, forestry, solar and wind energy, manufacturing and construction. This will require anticipating and managing the challenges to the transition, particularly the social and fiscal costs, and removing regulatory barriers that prevent the adoption of zero-carbon solutions by the private sector. The good news is that, from a technical point of view, it is possible to achieve net zero carbon emissions.

This event will provide information on how to reach zero net emissions in the context of a post-COVID recovery. There will be a panel discussion where experts will give their point of view on this topic. The event will be held in Spanish.


Context presentation

LTS: informing how to get to zero net emissions and green recovery - Raúl Delgado, IDB.

Panel Discussion


  • Raul Delgado, IDB.


  • Milagros Sandoval, Mitigation Director, Ministry of Environment, Peru (tbc).
  • Gerardo Arroyo, National Environment, Energy and Resilience Officer, UNDP Mexico.
  • Ana Bucher, Senior Climate Change Specialist, Climate Change Group - World Bank.

Session conclusions and key messages - Raul Delgado, IDB