About the event
The event aims to share guidance on key guiding elements for countries that are a) updating their NDCs, b) designing new climate policies and/or c) developing sectoral strategies to respond to climate impacts. To this end, the event will focus on highlighting the efforts made in the region, identifying lessons learned, and analyzing good practices identified by the different countries in the region.u00a0
- Welcome. Guillermina Martin, RBLAC
- PresentationMainstreaming gender equality in NDC processes: approach and entry points. Verania Chao, Programme Specialist, Gender and Climate Change, UNDP.
- Presentationu00a0Andrea Quesada-Aguilar, Consultant on gender, environment and climate change, Guu00e9neda de Elementos claves para incluir la igualdad de gu00e9nero y el empoderamiento de las mujeres en las polu00edticas climu00e1ticas y las contribuciones determinadas a nivel nacional.u00a0Andrea Quesada-Aguilar, Consultant on gender, environment and climate change.
- Experience Exchange Panel.
- Agripina Jenkins, NDC Support Programme Coordinator, UNDP Costa Rica
- Marleny Oliva, Coordinator of the Gender Unit of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Guatemala.
- Questions and answers.
- Closing. Fernando Andrade, Nature, Climate and Energy Team, Panama Regional Hub, UNDP
Thematic axis 2 u2013 Event organized by: