People transforming development

Climate action in times of crisis

Enhancing sustainable recovery post-COVID-19
at Latin America and the Caribbean

The Joint Regional Event "Climate Action in Times of Crisis", organized by LEDS LAC, EUROCLIMA+, IDB and UNDP, is an initiative that seeks to be an open space for meeting, collaboration and learning, fully digital.
This regional initiative consists of a series of virtual activities to be carried out between September and December 2020.
Participate and be part of the conversation, together with leaders and champions from the region, on the main challenges we face to address the current climate crisis, and seek joint solutions for a sustainable post-COVID-19 recovery.


Wed 02
Sep 2020

Climate Action for Green Recovery

09:00 hrs (Peru / Colombia)
11:00 hrs (Argentina/ Uruguay)
Wed 02
Sep 2020

Increased NDC Ambition

11:30 hrs (Peru / Colombia)
13:30 hrs (Argentina/ Uruguay)
Thu 03
Sep 2020

Planning for the future long-term zero-emission strategies

09:00 hrs (Peru / Colombia)
11:00 hrs (Argentina/ Uruguay)
Thu 03
Sep 2020

Resilient and Low Emission Mobility and Transportation

11:00 hrs (Peru / Colombia)
13:00 hrs (Argentina/ Uruguay)
Fri 04
Sep 2020

NDC LAC: New tool on NDC Progress in the Region

09:00 hrs (Peru / Colombia)
11:00 hrs (Argentina/ Uruguay)
Fri 04
Sep 2020

Current Climate Action Priorities in the region

11:00 hrs (Peru / Colombia)
13:00 hrs (Argentina/ Uruguay)
Thu 24
Sep 2020

Long Term Decarbonization Strategies (LTS) and their role in climate ambition and post-COVID recovery.

09:00 hrs (Peru / Colombia)
08:00 hrs (Costa Rica)
Wed 30
Sep 2020

Key challenges to accelerate action and increase ambition of NDCs in line with the Paris Agreement target.

09:00 hrs (Peru / Colombia)
11:00 hrs (Argentina / Chile)
Thu 01
Oct 2020

M&E of adaptation policies as a vector for the ambition of the new NDCs. Contributions from the M&E CoP partners

09:00 hrs (Peru / Colombia)
11:00 hrs (Argentina/ Uruguay)
Thu 08
Oct 2020

Towards the integration of Nature-Based Solutions, Forests and Indigenous Peoples into the NDCs in LAC

09:00 hrs (Peru / Colombia)
11:00 hrs (Argentina / Chile)

Why a joint event?

Action climate change in times of crisis was born with the intention of joining the efforts of important initiatives, programs and organizations in the Latin American and Caribbean region that work to promote climate action and the transformation of development in the countries of the region.

Our topics

Long-term strategies towards zero net emissions and green recovery

Increased ambition
in the NDCs

Decarbonizing transportation for sustainable and resilient recovery.

How does it work?

Launch milestone
(September 2, 3 and 4)

Starting point with a series of virtual events over three days, combining high-level presentations with participatory spaces that allow interaction among participants.

Event Hub
(September to November)

Space between the launching and closing milestones where various activities aligned to the thematic axes of the joint event are coordinated and that contribute to the progress towards the expected results.

Final milestone

Closes the activities of the virtual process and reports on the results obtained in each of the thematic areas. A discussion and assessment of priorities for 2021 will be included as an input to plan the activities for 2021.

Why participate?

Exchange and learn

Exchange and learn

Get involved in spaces to learn from cases and experiences and identify tools and best practices that can be replicated.

Collaborate and act

Collaborate and act

Find opportunities for collaboration and support from cooperating partners to advance NDC implementation, increase the ambition of the revised NDCs, or design long-term strategies.



Learn about current trends in advancing the implementation of climate action at the national, subnational, sectoral and other relevant stakeholder levels, in NDC review processes and in the design of long-term strategies.

In turn, these institutions are supported by: