Sustainable Logistics Community of Practice
The Sustainable Logistics Community of Practice, in partnership with GCAP's Regional Platforms, is building a resilient, low-emissions transportation community globally, supporting champions and innovators, linking networks of low-emissions transportation experts, and exploring opportunities for collaboration at the local and regional levels.
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The region is showing interest in moving towards the decarbonization of urban and interurban transportation logistics, whose emissions are steadily increasing due to higher demand for consumer goods. There are some valuable experiences, such as those of Uruguay, Colombia and Argentina. That is why in 2019, the Community of Practice on Transport (CoP Transport), together with Global Climate Action Partnership - GCAP (formerly known as LEDS GP) and LEDS LAC, launched the second Community of Practice on Sustainable Logistics.
To encourage peer-to-peer learning in the region based on existing experiences in clean logistics, the establishment of a community of practice was proposed, especially for those that have made progress or have a pilot program in place. Some countries in the region are promoting energy efficiency and low carbon freight programs at the national level, such as Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, among others.
The CoP is designed with a bottom-up approach to address the main barriers to the transition to clean logistics in LAC and to offer support to early movers and champions.
The CoP is an ongoing collaborative space to enable peer-to-peer learning, a deeper understanding of the options available to overcome barriers to decarbonizing logistics, continued access to tools and expert assistance, and to foster leaders to serve as coaches for other countries in the region.
Seeks to change the paradigm in logistics and improve performance by reducing emissions.
Main activities
- Technical assistance for countries, cities and the private sector.
- Online trainings for CoP members.
- Open Webinars
- Newsletter with information and news on Sustainable Logistics in LAC
Prioritized topics
- Decarbonization of urban and interurban logistics.
- Exchange between public and private actors at national, provincial and local levels.
- Generation of case studies and short technical advisories.
Efficient and low-emission logistics strategies
- 20-11-2019
- Madrid, Spain
- View recording
- Download materials
Who participates?
The CoP has more than 270 members from national and subnational governments, specialized institutions, academia, private companies, NGOs and international organizations, from 19 countries in the LAC region and 8 other countries:
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Guyana
- Mexico
- Nicaragua
- Panama
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Dominican Republic
- Suriname
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
- Germany
- Belgium
- United States
- France
- India
- Netherlands
- United Kingdom
- Switzerland
Online exchange sessions
Closed session "Efficiency in urban freight transport: Experiences and lessons learned from the development of Good Practice Guides".
- 30 - 06 - 2021
This closed event was carried out by the Clean Logistics Community of Practice of the Transportation Working Group (LEDS LAC). The main objectives of the event were to share the experiences of Rosario and Mexico City in the development of Good Practice Guides to improve the efficiency of urban freight transport; to generate a space for exchange and discussion on the most relevant aspects of initiatives aimed at improving energy efficiency in urban freight transport; and to disseminate the importance of addressing urban freight transport as an instrument to achieve resilient and low-emission transport.
Closed workshop "Urban logistics and sustainability: challenges, opportunities and strategies for public-private collaboration".
- 05 y 06-11-2020
The purpose of the workshop was to promote the exchange of experiences on the adoption of urban logistics strategies in LAC cities, with the aim of making visible the importance and impact of freight transport on urban mobility and the sustainability of cities, and to identify challenges and key aspects for the formulation and implementation of policies, plans and actions for sustainable urban logistics, with a focus on public-private articulation.
Online exchange "Efficient freight management: Experiences from the private sector".
- 11-06-2020
The activity consisted of a presentation of lessons learned and proposals for action by two interns from the Smart Freight Centre's Smart Transport Manager course, professionals from private companies. Two of the trainees who presented are professionals from regional logistics companies in Argentina, and one trainee is a professional from the Chilean office of an international electric technology company with its own fleet.
Online exchange "Efficient freight transport management: experiences from the public sector".
- 12-06-2020
The activity consisted of a presentation of lessons learned and proposals for action by two fellows of the Smart Transport Manager course of the Smart Freight Centre, professionals from local governments. The fellows who presented are officials from the Secretariat of Mobility of Mexico City and the Mobility Entity of the city of Rosario, Argentina.
Online exchange "Lessons learned from international sustainable logistics workshops".
- 16-12-2019
The activity consisted of the presentation of initiatives in Brazil and Uruguay, which were launched in different events during 2019.
Online exchange "Opportunities for decarbonization of logistics through Public-Private Partnerships".
- 22-10-2019
The session consisted of the presentation of initiatives for the decarbonization of freight transportation and the Intelligent Transportation Program in Argentina.
Technical support to countries
Technical Assistance "Manual of good practices for efficient urban distribution in Mexico City".
- July 2020 - July 2021
- Spanish
- ICLEI; Grupo de Trabajo de Transporte (GTT); Asociación Sustentar; Secretaría de Movilidad de la Ciudad de México.
Technical Assistance "Manual of good practices for efficient urban distribution in Rosario, Argentina".
- June 2020- May 2021
- Spanish
- ICLEI; Transport Working Group (GTT); Asociación Sustentar; Ente de Movilidad de Rosario
Urban Logistics in Peru
- Prepared by: Transport Working Group (TWG) of LEDS LAC and GCAP; Asociación Sustentar; CESC/NREL
- May 2024
- Spanish
Last mile urban logistics in El Salvador
- Prepared by: Transport Working Group (TWG) of LEDS LAC and GCAP; Asociación Sustentar; CESC/NREL
- May 2024
- Spanish
Case Study "Implementation of Energy Efficiency Measures in Freight Transportation".
- Prepared by: Transport Working Group (TWG) of LEDS LAC and LEDS GP; Asociación Sustentar; Zarcam Logística; Express Logística; Grupo Andreani; Grupo Surfrigo.
- October - December, 2021
- Spanish
Case Study "Implementation of Energy Efficiency Measures in Freight Transportation".
- Prepared by: Transport Working Group (TWG) of LEDS LAC and LEDS GP; Asociación Sustentar; Zarcam Logística; Express Logística; Grupo Andreani; Grupo Surfrigo.
- October - December, 2021
- Spanish
Sustainable Logistics and Public-Private Articulation for Climate Action CoP (ArticuLAC) CoP - "Policy Brief on Public-Private Collaboration for Sustainable Urban Logistics."
- Nov 2020 - June 2021
- Spanish
- ICLEI; Transport Working Group (TWG); ArticuLAC; Asociación Sustentar; ArticuLAC; Asociación Sustentar; ArticuLAC; ArticuLAC.
CdP Sustainable Logistics success story: "The knowledge route to implementation".
- May - August 2021
- Spanish
- ICLEI; Transportation Working Group (TWG); Asociación Sustentar
Case Study "Low Emission Urban Logistics Planning: Learnings from South American local governments from the EcoLogistics project".
- May - August 2021
- Spanish
- ICLEI; Transportation Working Group (GTT); Municipality of Rosario (ARG); Asociación Sustentar
Policy Brief: Public-private collaboration towards sustainable urban logistics: climate change as a catalyst.
- May 2021
- Spanish