As a contribution to the discussions of the workshop to elaborate the roadmap for the institutional initiative "Accelerating Climate Action in the Bolivian Private Business Sector", organized by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and other partners, the Community of Practice on Public-Private Articulation for Climate Action in Latin America (ArticuLAC) organized a panel on Latin American experiences in developing mechanisms to articulate private sector climate action with national objectives.
ArticuLAC is a joint initiative of the European Union's Euroclima Program, through GIZ, with the LEDS LAC Regional Platform and the Latin American Center for Competitiveness and Sustainable Development of INCAE Business School. The objective of the Community of Practice is to promote and facilitate the alignment and articulation of climate actions and strategies of the public and private sectors. It is made up of representatives of organizations from both sectors from 12 Latin American countries, who participate in exchange activities, capacity building, technical assistance and dissemination of lessons learned.
In this context, this activity was organized with the participation of panelists representing organizations that are part of ArticuLAC: Johanna Guzmán, from the Sustainability and Climate Change Agency of Chile; Karina Barrera, from the Centro de Pensamiento del Futuro of Ecuador; and Severín Carminatti, from the Fundación Popular of the Dominican Republic; as well as Max Mena, from the Climate Change Directorate of the Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica.
The panel presented and discussed the characteristics, achievements, opportunities and challenges related to the development of the Clean Production Agreements in Chile, the programs for reporting and recognition of the management of the carbon footprint of companies in Costa Rica and Ecuador, and the Companies for Climate Platform, a public-private alliance that seeks to articulate business action for the fulfillment of the country's climate commitments in the Dominican Republic.
"Learning about these experiences has been very enriching for the institutions in Bolivia, we have heard concrete cases of how various challenges have been addressed in the countries throughout the construction of this business vision and the institutionalization of climate action initiatives, in the framework of joint efforts with the public sector," he said. Claudia Cordero of GIZ/Euroclima.
With this type of activities, ArticuLAC seeks to share the knowledge generated from the exchange among its members with a wider audience of relevant actors. In this specific case, the aim was to provide inputs for the design process of the aforementioned initiative in Bolivia, encouraging the experiences of other countries in the region to be taken into account. It is expected that some Bolivian stakeholders present at the workshop may also join the Community of Practice in the near future.
For more information about ArticuLAC, please visit the website: or write to the mail: [email protected]