People transforming the development


ArticuLAC supports the presentation of the AdaptAcción tool: A milestone in public-private collaboration for climate action in Peru

4 July 2024


In an event organized by the Ministry of Environment and Libélula, with the support of the Community of Practice on Public-Private Articulation for Climate Action in Latin America (ArticuLAC), the innovative tool "AdaptAcción" was presented, designed to increase the participation of the private sector and jointly identify and manage climate risks, implement adaptation actions, optimize internal processes and reduce the impact of climate change. 

The AdaptAcción tool, developed by the Peruvian Ministry of Environment with technical assistance from Libélula and the cooperation of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, will also allow monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of these actions, promoting a continuous improvement approach and capitalizing on lessons learned.

The ArticuLAC Community of Practice is a joint initiative of the European Union's Euroclima Program, through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the LEDS LAC Regional Platform and the Latin American Center for Competitiveness and Sustainable Development (CLACDS) of INCAE Business School. It is made up of government institutions and private sector organizations from the Euroclima Program countries, who participate in exchange, dialogue and capacity building activities and have access to technical assistance in order to promote the articulation and alignment of climate action in both sectors. 

The event "Promoting dialogue for the effective participation of the private sector in the recognition system for organizations that contribute to climate change adaptation in Peru" was organized as part of the assistance provided by ArticuLAC to its members and also counted with the contribution of GIZ Peru. Its objective was to create a space for dialogue and feedback regarding the usability and use of the tool by the public and private sector, promoting the implementation of adaptation actions. 

Berioska QuispeDirector of the General Directorate of Climate Change and Desertification of the Peruvian Ministry of Environment, highlighted the importance of collective action and collaborative work so that in the future more people and institutions will be committed to climate change adaptation.

With the guidance and facilitation of Rocio Aldanatechnical expert of the coordinating team of ArticuLACIn the course of the workshop, participants from more than 20 companies formed working groups to identify opportunities for improvement in the tool presented, demonstrating their commitment through collective work.

Alicia MedinaLibélula's Project Manager, emphasized that the main objective of the event was to create a space of trust between both sectors to provide feedback and progressively improve this important and innovative climate adaptation tool.

Jocelyn OstolazaThe Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation's Global Climate Change Program, expressed his enthusiasm with this Peruvian milestone, highlighting that there are very few tools of this type at the global level, and Peru can generate leadership in the region through joint construction and implementation.

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