People transforming the development


International initiatives and success stories in the adoption of electric buses for public passenger transport in LAC

9 October 2019
09:00 - 10:30 am (Costa Rican Time, CST)

Day: Wednesday, October 9, 2019.

Time: 09:00 - 10:30 am (Costa Rican Time, CST)

Check the time according to your location:


Welcome. Rodrígo Rodríguez Tornquist. Coordinator of the Transportation Working Group of the LEDS LAC Platform, Asociación Civil Sustentar.

The Action towards Climate-friendly Transport (ACT) initiative. Maruxa Cardama. Secretary General, SLoCaT Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon. Download presentation

Support for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in urban areas. Vladimir Sosa. Electric Mobility Manager for Latin America at WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, World Resources Institute (WRI). | Download presentation

The process of adoption of electric buses in the transportation system of Santiago de Chile. Fernando Saka. Director of Metropolitan Mobility of Santiago de Chile, Ministry of Transportation of Chile. | Download presentation

About the webinar

Mitigation in the transport sector is key to the implementation of the NDCs and the adoption of electric buses offers a unique opportunity for climate action. At the recent UN Climate Change Summit, governments, business and NGOs called for greater action to combat climate change, presenting the Action towards Climate-friendly Transport (ACT) initiative, a global coalition to decarbonize transport, and the Supporting Urban Reductions in GHG Emissions (SURGE) initiative, a multi-regional platform that seeks to accelerate the adoption of electric buses. For its part, the city of Santiago de Chile represents a concrete case towards the incorporation of electric bus fleets in its public transport systems.

The webinar aims to share the initiatives with decision makers and experts in the region, in order to encourage new cities to initiate a path of electric mobility development in their public transportation systems. The webinar will be held in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat:

About the panelists

Passionate about social, economic and environmental justice for human development, Maruxa is a specialist in integrated urban and territorial development. Maruxa has worked with multilateral institutions, national and local governments, NGOs and philanthropy in 33 countries developing public policies, capacity building and governance projects and multi-stakeholder coalitions aimed at advancing sustainability and equitable prosperity.Manager of Electro Mobility for Latin America at WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities. Based in Mexico City, he leads efforts to design and implement electromobility projects. Prior to joining WRI, Vladimir was a director at the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) in charge of the National Department of Energy Efficiency, Distribution and Electromobility. He has more than 10 years of experience in Mexican government and politics, as well as in senior executive positions in the energy sector in his country. He is Director of Metropolitan Public Transport, an entity in charge of managing and designing the modal integration of Santiago's urban public transport policies. He is a Civil Industrial Engineer from Universidad del Desarrollo de Concepción, Master of Science in Operations Management from The University of Nottingham, and holds a Diploma in Finance from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Prior to becoming Director, he was in charge of the Regulation and Finance Department of the DTPM since the beginning of the government.

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