People transforming development

NDC LAC: New tool on NDC Progress in the Region

4 September, 2020
09:00 am


The NDC LAC tool is a joint initiative of EUROCLIMA+, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Fundación Avina and the LEDS LAC Regional Platform, a collaboration that seeks to establish synergies that increase the effectiveness and progress in the implementation of the Paris Agreement in the region.

The NDC LAC digital tool makes available to the different actors of climate action relevant information on commitments and progress in the fulfillment of the NDCs, which is necessary for the design of strategies and policies in line with the objectives established in the Paris Agreement, and the transparency of information.

This initiative consolidates in one place the information coming from three complementary efforts: the systematization and analysis work of the Peer Dialogue -an action financed by EUROCLIMA+ and executed through a strategic alliance between GIZ and ECLAC with the support of Fundación Avina; the joint study with the overview of NDCs in the region conducted by ECLAC, and the LEDSenLAC report conducted by the LEDS LAC platform with the support of IDB and UNDP. The effort is focused on reviewing the commitments made by the countries of the region in the first NDCs, with a view to contributing to the regional discussion and identifying challenges and opportunities facing Latin America in responding to the climate crisis. This digital tool was developed by Libélula, a consulting firm specializing in sustainability and climate change issues.

In this session we will present the digital tool and the participants will have an approach to its characteristics and potentialities.


Launch of NDC LAC digital tool.

  • Introduction - Silvia Brugger, GIZ/EUROCLIMA+
  • Presentation and exploration of the tool - Maite Cigarán, Libélula

Final reflection

  • Carlos Ruiz-Garvia, UNFCCC Center for Regional Cooperation