People transforming development

LEDS LAC 2024 Regional Workshop

Coordinating and Promoting Regional Action towards COP30

September 30 to October 2
Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil

The LEDS LAC Regional Workshops, held annually, provide a meeting space for members and partners that facilitate networking, the creation of connections, and the promotion of collaborations and synergies. These events allow for reflection and the exchange of experiences and learnings among peers, deepen technical dialogue, and identify needs, priorities, and emerging topics on the path toward resilient and low-emission development. This year, we celebrate the tenth annual in person regional meeting organized by the LEDS LAC platform in its 12 years of operation.

In compliance with the Paris Agreement, countries have focused their efforts on preparing and implementing their NDCs and designing long-term climate strategies. The year 2024 is crucial for the updating of NDCs, which must be submitted by March 2025, showing more ambitious commitments. These processes have highlighted challenges such as improving monitoring and reporting systems, innovative financing mechanisms, and the need to strengthen capacities and involve new stakeholders, increasing ambition in climate mitigation and adaptation.

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Facilitate a regional meeting place to promote climate action and raise ambition in LAC through the relevant actors and sectors that drive implementation and mainstreaming in development policies and the mobilization of finance and investment.

To facilitate To facilitate in-person meetings and strengthen relationships among members and partners of the LEDS LAC platform, as well as various practitioners in the region who are driving the transformation towards low-emission and resilient development in LAC.

To strengthen capacities through the exchange of experiences and learning (among Communities of Practice and Working Groups, partners and collaborators), and through training and deepening in the use of tools and resources, especially in the areas of financing, decision-making information, and stakeholder coordination.

To promote and find opportunities for collaboration among participants (public sector, private sector, academia, civil society, international cooperation organizations, among others) to strengthen enabling frameworks in countries, mobilize financing for climate action, and to organize new regional activities that support the implementation of NDCs, LTS, and the Roadmap to COP30.

To identify and prioritize needs or emerging topics for LEDS LAC members, focusing on implementing their climate commitments and plans, mobilizing financing, or building capacities to increase the ambition of NDCs and LTS.

Prioritized Thematic Areas

In line with the outcomes of the LEDS LAC 2023 Regional Workshop and the prioritized areas and approaches for the region on the Roadmap to COP30, this 2024 edition of the Regional Workshop will focus on the following priority themes: Updating NDCs, increasing ambition, and linking with long-term strategies in light of the UAE Consensus and Global Stocktake (GST).

Capabilities for updating and aligning NDCs and LTSs towards COP30

With a focus on the outcomes and implications of the Global Stocktake (GST) to inform the process of revising and updating new NDCs and LTS towards COP30. This session will also cover the integration of the climate and nature agenda as an opportunity for convergence between NDCs and LTS with biodiversity plans, water-food nexuses, and nature-based solutions.

Financing and investments as enabling conditions

This day will focus on financing strategies for NDCs and LTS to mobilize resources for climate action, with a special emphasis on adaptation. The session aims to strengthen the capacities of state and non-state actors, with the goal of doubling adaptation financing by 2025 and increasing funding for nature-based initiatives.

Governance and multi-stakeholder articulation to implement commitments and actions

This day will focus on engaging Ministries of Economy and Finance and enhancing public-private collaboration in climate policies. The session will aim to align measurement and reporting frameworks among state and non-state actors to effectively implement climate commitments and actions.

Equity, Just Transition, and Resilience as Cross-Cutting Approaches

Expected Outcomes of the 2024 Regional Workshop

At least 100 participants from various countries

At least 100 participants representing different countries in the region and relevant actors: government (ministries of environment, finance, and energy); private sector; cooperation agencies, multilateral banks, and international organizations; members of the ArticuLAC, MetLAC, and Bioenergy Communities of Practice and of the Transport and Resource Efficiency Working Groups.

Strengthen capacities and knowledge

Strengthened capacities and knowledge of participants on the topics of the NDC update process, the link between NDCs and LTS, and reporting and transparency processes.

Collaboration and partnership opportunities

Reflection on the main needs in the thematic areas addressed during the event and identification of possible emerging topics in the region, in the platform’s work lines, and in the Roadmap to COP30, which will be systematized to be shared during the GCAP Annual Workshop.

Share regional experiences

Shared regional experiences on how strategies, tools, and financing mechanisms are being developed and investments mobilized for the implementation of NDC and LTS measures.

Advance towards COP30

Progress on the Roadmap to COP30, which began its construction at the LEDS LAC 2023 Workshop, by narrowing down key messages and needs in prioritized thematic areas, defining the next steps towards subsequent milestones, and identifying opportunities for collaboration among organizations and stakeholders.
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LEDS LAC Regional Workshop 2023

The LEDS LAC Regional Workshop 2023, organized by the LEDS LAC Secretariat, the DCCD/MINAM, and the Inter-American Development Bank, took place in Lima, Peru, as part of Peru's Climate Week. It was supported by UNDP, Euroclima, NDC Partnership, Reciclo Orgánicos, Avina, and Resilience Hub. As with previous events, the 2023 workshop aimed to contribute to the transition towards resilient and low-emission development in LAC countries, recognizing the importance of developing and implementing commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement, including Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), Long-Term Climate Strategies (LTS), and National Adaptation Plans.