People transforming development


LACCW 2023: Activities of LEDS LAC and its partners

11 October 2023



Event organized by LEDS LAC


Side Event: LAC Roadmap to COP30: Priorities, opportunities and partnerships

15:30 - 16:30

The event will feature a dialogue with perspectives and experiences of state and non-state actors, with the state and non-state actors, with the objective of identifying priorities, identify priorities, opportunities and partnerships to increase the ambition and scale of collaborative collaborative action among the different actors in the region. A final exchange and discussion with the participants will be facilitated in order to enrich the identification of progress, needs, priorities and alliances in the region. partnerships in the region.

This session builds on the lessons learned and results of the LEDS LAC Regional Workshop (held in August 2023) and the results of the LEDS LAC LEDS LAC Regional Workshop (held in August 2023) and the results of this session will be will then be linked to the dialogues to be held during COP28, as part of the broader process of building a regional roadmap towards COP30. towards COP30.

Organized by: LEDS LAC Platform, Fundación Avina, Euroclima, Resilience Hub, Libélula

Partner events


GCoM opening session: dialogue on local climate investment

The inaugural session will be attended by financial institutions, private sector companies, local government representatives, as well as key GCoM representatives of local governments as well as key GCoM partners such as the European Union and city networks. European Union and city networks.

Innovate4Cities Marketplace: forging connections to accelerate local climate action implementation implementation of local climate action

The Innovate4Cities Marketplace is a shared space to connect cities and local governments with solution providers, funders, investors, and other partners to accelerate with solution providers, funders, investors, and other partners to accelerate, develop and implement city climate action.

Roundtable on gender and local climate action

The roundtable will be a shared space for local women leaders from Latin America and the Caribbean to discuss the Latin America and the Caribbean to discuss the gender approach in climate and environmental policies. gender approach to climate and environmental policies.
09:00 - 19:00
Organized by: GCoM Americas


Presenting the Community of Practice on reduction of methane emissions from organic sources (CoP Met-LAC)

13:45 - 14:15
Organized by: Global Methane Hub, CCAP, ImplementaSur and LEDS LAC.


Discussion session on the orientation of investment portfolios towards NDC goals (Unofficial event) the fulfillment of NDC goals (Unofficial event)

08:00 - 10:00
Organized by: ArticuLAC and LACADI


Building democratic participatory process for imrpoved decision making

This session is intended to provide a space to discuss the opportunities that exist for multi-stakeholder participation in democratic stakeholders to participate in democratic decision making at multiple scales.

Organized by: Global Resilience Partnership, Avina, Voices for Just Climate Action Alliance.

It ́s a fact! Inclusive Recycling Reduces GHG Emissions

The first results of the application of the tool developed by Latitud R will be presented. developed by Latitud R, a regional collaborative platform that promotes inclusive recycling and circular inclusive recycling and circular economy in LATAM, in waste pickers' cooperatives in five cooperatives of waste pickers from 5 countries in the region, which demonstrate the relevant contribution of the relevant contribution of inclusive recycling in the reduction of emissions.

Organized by: Avina and IDB


Scaling up High-Integrity Finance for Forests and Climate

12:00 - 13:00
The event seeks to foster collaboration and capacity building for integrated and aligned REDD+ approaches and implementation systems, different scales and funding sources, with strong stakeholder participation. strong stakeholder participation. In addition, to identify opportunities to scale up sustainable finance for forests and climate, addressing barriers and ensuring and climate finance, addressing barriers and ensuring high carbon accounting, governance and safeguards. and carbon safeguards.
Organized by: UNEP / UN-REDD, MINAM, IPAM.


Articulating ecosystems for climate action: ways of working between government, civil society and the private sector (Affiliated event) between government, civil society and the private sector (Affiliated Event)

14:00 - 16:00
Organized by: Euroclima (GIZ, UNDP, AFD) and other partners.


Gathering of LAC partners: Reflecting on collaboration mechanisms for climate action and ways forward climate action and ways forward

09:00 - 11:00
Organized by: NDC Partnership, UNFCCC RCC, Euroclimate (GIZ/FIIAPP)


Amazon Forever Initiative and Climate Change Platform of the Ministries of Finance Ministries of Finance

During the event, the Platform's work plan will be launched and the areas of work of the areas of work of the Amazon Initiative will be presented.

Organized by: Inter-American Development Bank

Activities organized by UNDP

Affiliated Events:
  • Building Circularity into NDCs - A practical toolbox
  • The private sector in Latin America and the Caribbean as a key actor in the implementation of the Paris Agreement.
  • Channeling funds for a Blue Economy
  • Driving Resilience and sustainable Change in the Caribbean
Other events:
  • Articulating ecosystems for climate action: ways of working between government, civil society and the private sector. civil society and the private sector
  • Climate Finance - tools for a transition towards green economies
  • Transforming Lives: Discovering the Effects of Climate Change and Finding Inclusive Solutions for equality?

Activities organized by ECLAC


Synergies and opportunities by aligning the climate and biodiversity agenda

13:30 - 14:30


Increasing Ambition Towards a green and fair energy transition in the Latin American and the Caribbean region.

14:05 - 15:15


Circular Economy Opportunities for the Climate Challenge

14:00 - 15:00


Accelerating energy transition investments and closing the financing gap for Latin America and the Caribbean region

16:45 - 17:55


How Carbon Markets can accelerate the energy transition in LAC

15:25 - 16:35


Empowering Climate Resilience in LAC: Preparedness, Anticipatory Action & experiences on preventing Loss and Damage
