People transforming development

Green Hydrogen

International markets for products and derivatives PtX

29 August 2023
09:00 a.m. (Peru/Colombia) / 10:00 a.m. (Chile) / 2:00 p.m. (Germany)

Session Recording

Introduction to the event

In a world increasingly aware of environmental and sustainability challenges, PtX products and derivatives have emerged as an innovative solution to address various energy and environmental issues. These products, obtained through electrolysis and chemical synthesis processes from renewable sources, have demonstrated significant potential to decarbonize several key industries, as well as to drive the transition to a cleaner and more resilient economy.

This webinar will provide a comprehensive understanding of the international markets for PtX products and derivatives, and how companies can capitalize on the opportunities offered by these growing markets. In addition, through concrete case studies, we will highlight the practical application of successful strategies that have led companies to conquer global markets with PtX derivative products, including ammonia.

Objectives of the event

The objectives of this webinar are:

  • To provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the international markets for PtX products and derivatives.
  • To present cases of real experience of companies that have been successful in the internationalization of four derivative products, including ammonia.

At the end of the webinar, participants will be equipped with the knowledge necessary to assess the opportunities and challenges in PtX's international markets, identify strategies for entering and expanding into those markets, and understand best practices based on real-world case studies of successful companies.


Introduction to the webinar
Words of welcome
Juan Sebastián Arbeláez Torres, FENOGE Deputy Technical Director
Introduction to International Commodity and Derivatives Markets PtX
Francisco Boshell, Head Innovation and End Use Applications, IRENA
Panel Case Studies on Four PtX Derivatives Products
Cases presented
  • Case 1. Ammonia. Anny Santodomingo, Technical Advisor for the NACAG project, GIZ Colombia
  • Case 2. Ammonia. Kevin Rouwenhorst, Ammonia | Power-to-X
  • Case 3. Methanol. Matthías Ólafsson, Chief Europe Union representative, Methanol Institute
  • Case 4. Experience from the European private sector Enrique Iglesias Head of Commercial Structuring, Hydrogen Area, CEPSA
  • 10:50


    Introduction to International Commodity and Derivative Markets

    Presentation of Francisco Boshell,
    Head of Innovation and End Use Applications (IRENA)
