Management, energy efficiency and safe use of refrigerant gases: experiences of Costa Rica
Date: Wednesday, September 25th, 2019.Time: 09:00 - 10:30 am (time in Costa Rica)Check the time according to your location here:
Welcome. María José Gutiérrez Murray. Technical expert of the Secretariat, LEDS LAC Platform.
Introduction to the basics of refrigerants, their global impact and alternatives to conventional refrigerants. Sofia Nuernberger. PROKLIMA International Adviser, German Development Cooperation (GIZ). Download presentation.
Experiences and challenges in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) sector in Costa Rica. Pilar Alfaro. Institutional Strengthening Coordinator of the Ozone Technical Office, Directorate of Environmental Quality Management (DIGECA). Download presentation.
How to reduce the carbon footprint by emissions of refrigerant gases? Mitigation, energy saving and waste management measures: the case of Costa Rica. Rodolfo Elizondo. Advisor, Directorate of Environmental Quality Management (DIGECA) Download presentation.
Measurement of the carbon footprint by refrigerant emissions and mitigation and management measures, the Monteverde case. Katy VanDusen. Coordinator, Commission for Resilience to Climate Change of Monteverde (CORCLIMA). Download presentation.
About the webinar
In this webinar some of the biggest environmental problems caused by refrigerant gases with global warming potential will be known; as well as experiences and challenges. As part of the effort to address these problems, the Kigali Amendment has been signed, which establishes the gradual phase-out of hydrofluorocarbon (HCF) refrigerant gases, which have a very high contribution to global warming, an agreement that Costa Rica has ratified and published as Law No. 9522 on March 19th, 2018.
In Costa Rica, several projects of the German Development Cooperation, GIZ, support the development of actions for climate protection, becoming a low-emission development model (decarbonization) and practical cases useful for the countries of the region.
Information on Costa Rica's experience will be shared on the webinar to address the problem of refrigerant gases in the face of climate change and promote good management practices, including preventive maintenance and proper equipment disposal; as well as promoting energy efficiency in the air conditioning and refrigeration (RAC) sector, and the experience of the Monteverde community will be presented. The webinar will be held in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat:
About the panelists
Project Manager of GIZ Proklima, where she coordinates activities in Latin America and the Caribbean. Sofia is a Chemical Engineer and Environmental Engineer, has worked for the last 10 years at GIZ, especially in environmental and urban-industrial climate protection issues.Coordinator of Institutional strengthening of the Ozone Technical Office, which is part of the Environmental Quality Management Directorate of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, and is a consultant to the United Nations Development Programme.Industrial maintenance engineer with more than 25 years of experience in the industrial, energy and environment field. He holds a Master's degree in Electromechanical engineering administration, with an emphasis on Energy management. He works as a consultant for the United Nations Development Programme and the Ministry of Environment and Energy in the implementation of the Montreal Protocol in Costa Rica since 2005. He has been a professor and researcher at the Costa Rican School of Electromechanical Engineering of Technology since 2004.Coordinator of the Commission on Climate Change Resilience in Monteverde, Costa Rica (CORCLIMA) since 2016, which aims to unite the Community of Monteverde to reduce emissions, capture carbon and adapt to climate change as soon as possible.