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FormDate: Tuesday May 28th, 2019.Time: 09:00 - 10:30 am (Time in Costa Rica)Check the time of the event according to your location: http://bit.ly/2EmV6Z7
Welcome. Pablo Vazano. Coordinator of Transport Area, Asociación Civil Sustentar. | Download presentation
Introduction to logistics and regional transport trends. Fernando Dobrusky. Professor and Director of the career in Transportation Engineering, Transportation Institute of the National University of San Martín. | Download presentation
GiroLimpio Program in Chile. Julio Villalobos Contreras. Director of Transport and Logistics Center, Center for Transport and Logistics of Andres Bello University | Download presentation
About the webinar
Sustainable refers to supply chain management practices and strategies that reduce the environmental footprint and energy consumption of the distribution of loads. This clean logistics focuses on material handling and waste management, the selection of suitable containers and containers and their transport (Rodrigue, et al, 2017). In addition to the aforementioned official measures, many companies and referents from the private sector incorporate improvements with the double objective of reducing their energy consumption costs and offering transport and logistics services compatible with the care and conservation of the environment.
Taking this into account, the community of practice on sustainable logistics begins, which is a space of continuous collaboration to allow peer learning, provide a deeper understanding of the options available to overcome barriers and access technical assistance. The exchange will allow us to know the different scales of application of this set of measures, starting with the regional and national scale, to then focus the analysis on urban spaces and problems, in the following meetings.
In this webinar we will synthesize the growth trends of transport, the concepts related to clean logistics -or green- and we will explore a national sustainable transport plan as an applied case and trigger for the first debate activity of the community.
The webinar will be held in Spanish. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform Secretariat: info@ledslac.org.
About the panelists
He is a professor and director of the career in Transportation Engineering at UNSAM. Industrial Engineer with a master's degree in Logistics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and master's degree in Operations Research from Columbia University (New York). He has a 20-year track record in logistics projects at national and international level, including, among others, improvement projects applied to the logistics processes of the UN peace missions in Africa. As a consultant in logistics, he has developed projects in different international organizations, private companies and national public agencies, in different countries of the world, including Argentina, Chile, Brazil, the United States, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan, among others.Commercial Engineer and Master in Logistics Management from the School of Industrial Organization EOI-Madrid/ Spain. He is currently Director of the Transport and Logistics Center - Faculty of Engineering of the Andrés Bello University, belonging to the MALE SCALE Network and International Consultant on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Transport and Logistics, of the Economic Commission for Latin America - ECLAC of the United Nations. He is the Director of GiroLimpio: Technology Certification and Validation Program for Energy Efficiency, Sustainability and the Competitiveness of Freight Transportation by Road.